DIY - Honeywell Lyric Round 2.0 Wifi Smart Thermostat Motion Sensor Block

DIY - Honeywell Lyric Round 2.0 Wifi Smart Thermostat Motion Sensor Block

Those who have a problem with Honeywell Lyric Round 2.0 Wifi Smart Thermostat Motion Sensor, this stupid sensor makes too much activation when it was installed near washroom, laundry room, and a way to garage. Drains battery over 10 times faster, which needs expensive Lithium battery.  My Lyric drained the battery comes with the product in 10 days.

What I found was block the sensor. Use a paper chip, tape it on.

Now it only activated when I physically touch it. Save batteries.

Now, I need to fix its

Wifi disconnection, delay wifi connection.
Geofence malfunction with Samsung Cellphone (every 4~5 days it goes out, not working)


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